1925 Newspaper Clippings

Obituary of P. A. Sunday

November 1925 - P. A. Sunday, a native of Ashland Co., Ohio, was born Feb, 18, 1839: died in Albion, Ind., Nov. 24, 1925, aged 86 years 9 Mo. and 6 days.

He was but 13 years old when he left the parental roof and began an apprentice at harness-making in Lagrange, Ind. He learned the business and worked and worked as a journeyman until his coming to Albion, Nov. 8, 1864.

He was united in marriage on Mar. 13, 1862, at Lagrange, with Miss Lucretia E. Gamire. There were no children born to this union, but they reared to manhood a Bro. of Mrs. Sunday, H. G. Garmire.

Mr. Sunday comes from a state productive of great and useful men. Each calling or business, if honorable, has its place in the scheme of human existence, constituting a past of the plan whereby life’s methods are pursued when man reaches his ultimate destimony. The importance of each is largely determined by its usefulness.

He was one of Albion’s leading business men, successful, honest and a useful citizen.

In politics, he was an uncompromising democrat, but never sought public office, He was Albion’s first city marshal, which position he held two terms.

While Mrs. Sunday lived, they were identified with the St. Mark’s evangelical Lutheran Churxch of Albion.

(Mr. Sunday lived in the brick house on S. side of E. Main st. where Chas. Elser now owns and lives. 1980)

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